viernes, 30 de enero de 2015


Hotel Jardin Tecina oferred to all their guests Talk Titles about gardens by Mrs. Joanne Kidd.

Joanne is a nationally and internationally acknowledged expert in the history and development of gardens and garden design, from Ancient Egypt to the modern day. Her body of lectures reflects the depth and diversity of her knowledge, encompassing not only specific gardens and garden designers, but also the defining styles across eras and continents – and the cross-influences that have spread across the world as Empires rose and fell. They also reflect her passion for the art, social and general history of these fascinating civilisations and their times.

She is an accredited lecturer for the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts (NADFAS) UK and has lectured for its associated societies in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. She has lectured at the National Gallery, on Cruise Ships, and with several National Lecturing Agencies in the UK and Europe; also to the National Trust and County Garden Trusts.


Gardens of Ancient Egypt
Gardens of Ancient Rome
Gardens of India
Persian Gardens, including the Islamic influence on garden material used in art
Moorish Gardens, including those in Granada and across Spain
Renaissance Gardens of Italy, including the influence of the Medici family and their patronage across all arts
Chinese and Japanese Gardens and their influence in Europe
The Development of North American Gardens and Parks, and the influence of American plants brought back by early botanists into European gardens

Spanish influence in Mexico and South America

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